Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. Actualización 2024
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Contenidos de 2016

· Materias correspondientes a la primera entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer cuatrimestre de 2015
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Exposición. Aspectos prácticos de su aplicación

Peterman, J. S.; Read, K. L.; Wei, C.; y Kendall, P. H. (2015) The Art of Exposure: Putting Science Into Practice. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 22, 379-392.

2 Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Experimentos conductuales y exposición

Berman, N.; Fang, A.; Hansen, N. y Wilhelm S. (2015) Cognitive-based therapy for OCD: Role of behavior experiments and exposure processes. Journal Of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 6, 158–166.

3 Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Conductas de comprobación

van Uijen, S.L. y Toffolo, M.B.J. (2015) Safety Behavior Increases Obsession-Related Cognitions About the Severity of Threat. Behavior Therapy, 46, 521–531.

4 Depresión. Tratamiento mindfulness

Michalak, J., Schultze, M., Heidenreich, T. y Schramm, E. (2015) A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and a Group Version of Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy for Chronically Depressed Patients. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83, 951–963.

5 Depresión. Tratamiento a través de Internet

Richards, D., Timulak, L., O'Brien, E., Hayes, C., Vigano, N., Sharry, J. y Doherty, G. (2015) A randomized controlled trial of an internet-delivered treatment: Its potential as a low-intensity community intervention for adults with symptoms of depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 75, 20-31.


Dependencia interpersonal. Tratamiento mindfulness

McClintock, A.S., Anderson, T. y Cranston, S. (2015) Mindfulness Therapy for Maladaptive Interpersonal Dependency: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy, 46, 856–868.

7 Cyberbullying. Prevención y tratamiento

Ang, R.P. (2015) Adolescent cyberbullying: A review of characteristics, prevention and intervention strategies. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 25, 35–42.

8 Adicciones. Craving y juego del Tetris

Skorka-Brown, J., Andrade, J., Whalley, B. y May, J. (2015) Playing Tetris decreases drug and other cravings in real world settings. Addictive Behaviors, 51, 165–170.

9 Cefaleas y depresión. Tratamiento

Martin, P.R., Aiello, R., Gilson, K., Meadows, G., Milgrom, J. y Reece, J. (2015) Cognitive behavior therapy for comorbid migraine and/or tension-type headache and major depressive disorder: An exploratory randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 73, 8-18.

10 Fibromialgia y fatiga crónica. Efecto de la relajación

Meeus, M., Nijs, J., Vanderheiden, T., Baert, I., Descheemaeker, F., y Struyf, F. (2015) The effect of relaxation therapy on autonomic functioning, symptoms and daily functioning, in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia: a systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation, 29, 221 –233.