Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. Actualización 2024
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Contenidos de 2017

· Materias correspondientes a la primera entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer cuatrimestre de 2016
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Ansiedad social. Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional

Maitland, D.W.M.; Petts, R.A.; Knott, L.E.; Briggs, C.A.; Moore, J.A. y Gaynor, S.T. (2016) A Randomized Controlled Trial of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Versus Watchful Waiting: Enhancing Social Connectedness and Reducing Anxiety and Avoidance. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 16, 3, 103–122.

2 Depresión. Entrevista motivacional

Keeley, R.D.; Brody, D.S.; Engel, M.; Burke, B.L.; Nordstrom, K.; Moralez, E.; Dickinson, L.M. y Emsermann, C. (2016) Motivational Interviewing Improves Depression Outcome in Primary Care: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84, 11, 993–1007.

3 Depresión en adolescentes. Tratamiento breve

Schleider, J.L. y Weisz, J.R. (2016) Reducing risk for anxiety and depression in adolescents: Effects of a single-session intervention teaching that personality can change. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 87, 170-181.

4 Síntomas psicóticos. Biofeedback de variabilidad de frecuencia cardiaca

Clamor, A., Koenig, J., Thayer, J.F. y Lincoln, T.M. (2016) A randomized-controlled trial of heart rate variability biofeedback for psychotic symptoms. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 87, 207-215.

5 Trastornos emocionales. Técnica de entrenamiento en atención

Fergus, T.A. y Bardeen, J.R. (2016) The Attention Training Technique: A Review of a Neurobehavioral Therapy for Emotional Disorders. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 23, 502-516.


Ingesta compulsiva. Mindfulness

Hendrickson, K.L. y Rasmussen, E.B. (2016) Mindful Eating Reduces Impulsive Food Choice in Adolescents and Adults. Health Psychology. Advance online publication.

7 Tic. Urgencia premonitoria

Gev, E.; Pilowsky-Peleg, T.; Fennig, S.; Benaroya-Milshtein, N.; Woods, D.W.; Piacentini, P.; Apter, A. y Steinberg, T. (2016) Acceptance of premonitory urges and tics. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 10, 78–83.

8 Insomnio. Preocupaciones y sueño

McGowan, S.K.; Behar, E. y Luhmann M. (2016) Examining the Relationship Between Worry and Sleep: A Daily Process Approach. Behavior Therapy, 47, 460–473.

9 Dolor crónico. Flexibilidad psicológica

Sze Wai Kwok, S.; Chin Chi Chan, E.; Ping Chen, P. y Chuen Yee Lo, B. (2016) The ‘‘self’’ in pain: the role of psychological inflexibility in chronic pain adjustment. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 39, 908–915.

10 Pornografía en Internet. Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso

Crosby, J.M. y Twohig M.P. (2016) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Problematic Internet Pornography Use: A Randomized Trial. Behavior Therapy, 47, 355-366.