Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. Actualización 2024
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Contenidos de 2024

· Materias correspondientes a la primera entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer cuatrimestre de 2023
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Ansiedad sobre la salud. Terapia de exposición

Sauer, K.S.; Bailer, J., Jungmann, S.M. y Witthöft, M. (2023). Inhibitory Learning-Based Exposure Therapy for Patients With Pathological Health Anxiety: Results From a Single Case Series Study. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 30, 610–634.

2 Rumiación. Intervención a través de internet

Joubert, A.E.; Grierson, A.B.; Li, I.; Sharrock, M.J.; Moulds, M.L.; Werner-Seidler, A.; Stech, E.P.; Mahoney, A.E.J.; y Newby, J.M. (2023). Managing Rumination and worry: A randomised controlled trial of an internet intervention targeting repetitive negative thinking delivered with and without clinician guidance. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 168, 1-14.

3 Depresión. Activación conductual

Heininga, V.E.; Ornee, D.A.; Oldehinkel, A.J.; y Bastiaansen, J.A. (2023). Effect of Daily Life Reward Loop Functioning on the Course of Depression. Behavior Therapy, 54, 734–746.

4 Adicciones y estrés postraumático. Terapia de exposición escrita

Schumacher, J.A.; Kinney, K.L.; Morris, M.C.; y McAfee N.W. (2023). Biweekly Delivery of a Group-Based Adaptation of Written Exposure Therapy (WET) for PTSD in Residential Substance Treatment. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 30, 511–519.

5 Obesidad. Terapia centrada en la compasión

Carter, A.; Steindl, S.R.; Parker, S.; Gilbert, P.; y Kirby, J.N. (2023). Compassion-Focused Therapy to Reduce Body Weight Shame for Individuals With Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy, 54, 747-764.


Obesidad. Reducción del estigma

Pearl, R.L.; Wadden, T.A.; Bach, C.; LaFata, E.M.; Gautam, S.; Leonard, S.; Latner, J.D.; Berkowitz, R.I.; y Jakicic, J.M. (2023). Long-Term Effects of an Internalized Weight Stigma Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 91, 7, 398–410.

7 Problemas de pareja. Tratamiento mediante mindfulness

Lenger, K.A.; Gordon, K.C; Roberson, P.E.N.; Johnson, S.; Younginer, S.T.;  Rosecrance, P.; McClain, C.; y Schubert, O. (2023). The Head, the Heart, and the Community: Piloting a Brief Home-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Couples With Low Income. Behavior Therapy, 54, 794–808.

8 Insomnio. Terapia de aceptación y compromiso

Martin, J.L., Carlson, G.C.; Kelly, M.R.; Song, Y.; Mitchell, M.N.; Josephson, K.R.; McGowan, S.K.; Culver, N.C.; Kay, M.A.; Erickson, A.J.; Saldana, K.S.; May, K.J.; Fiorentino, L.; Alessi, C.A.; Washington, D.L.; y Yano, E.M. (2023) Novel Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial in Women Veterans. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 91, 626–639.

9 Niños. Entrevista clínica funcional

Edelstein, M.L.; Moen, A.; Benson, J.L.; Smucker, R.; y Perkins-Parks, S. (2023) Development and Implementation of a Function-Based Clinical Interview to Evaluate Childhood Behavior Problems. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 30, 421–435.

10 Insomnio.Tratamiento conductual en niños

Donovan, C.L.; Shiels, M.; Meltzer, L.J.; Farrell, L.J.; Waters, A.M.; Gradisar, M.; y Legg, M. (2023). Treating sleep problems in young children: A randomised controlled trial of a group-based, parent-focused behavioural sleep intervention. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 167, 1-12.