· Materias correspondientes a la primera entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer cuatrimestre de 2001 |
1 |
Trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo.
Implicación de la familia en el tratamiento |
Grunes, M.S., Neziroglu, F. y McKay, D. (2001) Family involvement in the behavioral treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a preliminary investigation. Behavior Therapy, 32, 803-820.
Marta I. Díaz García |
2 |
Depresión. Tratamiento de personas mayores |
Arean, P.A.; Hegel, M.T. y Reynolds, Ch.F. (2001) Treating depression in older medical patients with psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 7, 93-104.
Mª Isabel Comeche Moreno |
3 |
Psicosis. Terapia cognitiva |
Wykes, T. y Van Der Gaag, M. (2001) Is it time to develop a new cognitive therapy for psychosis—Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT)? Clinical Psychology Review, 21, 1227-1256.
Puestaldía |
4 |
Adicciones. Comunidad terapéutica vs. tratamiento ambulatorio |
Melnick, G., De Leon, G., Thomas, G. y Kressel, D. (2001). A client-treatment matching protocol for therapeutic communities: first report. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 21, 119-128.
Javier Fernández-Montalvo |
5 |
Adicciones en personas mayores.
Evaluación y tratamiento |
Stewart, D. y Oslin, D. (2001) Recognition and treatment of late-life addictions in medical settings. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 7, 145-158.
Puestaldía |
6 |
Bulimia. Eficacia de la terapia cognitivo-conductual |
Anderson, D.A. y Maloney, K.C. (2001), The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy on the core symptoms of bulimia nervosa. Clinical Psychology Review, 21, 971-988.
Puestaldía |
7 |
Respiración. Bases, evaluación y técnicas de entrenamiento |
Wilhelm, F.H., Gevirtz, R. y Roth, W.T. (2001) Respiratory dysregulation in anxiety, functional cardiac, and pain disorders. Assessment, phenomenology, and treatment. Behavior Modification, 25, 513-545.
Puestaldía |
8 |
Insomnio. Tratamiento conductual en ámbito clínico |
Perlis, M.L; Sharpe, M.; Smith, M.T.; Greenblatt, D. y Giles, D. (2001) Behavioral treatment of insomnia: Treatment outcome and the relevance of medical and psychiatric morbidity. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 24 (3), 281-296.
Puestaldía |
9 |
Insomnio. Papel de los pensamientos en personas mayores |
Fichten, C.S.; Libman, E.; Creti, L.; Amsel, R.; Sabourin, S.; Brender, W. y Bailes, S. (2001) Role of thoughts during nocturnal awake times in the insomnia experience of older adults. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 25, 665-692.
Puestaldía |
10 |
Trastorno temporomandibular. Biofeedback vs. habilidades cognitivo-conductuales |
Gardea, M.A., Gatchel, R.J. y Mishra, K.D. (2001) Long-term efficacy of biobehavioral treatment of temporomandibular disorders. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 24, 341-359.
María Crespo López |
11 |
Raynaud. Factores precipitantes y tratamiento |
Brown, K.M., Middaugh, S.J., Haythornthwaite, J.A. y Bielory, L. (2001) The effects of stress, anxiety, and outdoor temperature on the frequency and severity of Raynaud’s attack: the Raynaud’s treatment study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 24, 137-153.
María Crespo López |
12 |
Cáncer. Uso y eficacia de la relajación |
Luebbert, K., Dahme, B. y Hasenbring, M. (2001) The effectiveness of relaxation training in reducing treatment-related symptoms and improving emotional adjustment in acute non-surgical cancer treatment: a meta-analytical review. Psyco-Oncology, 10: 490-502.
Puestaldía |
13 |
Psiconeuroinmunología. Depresión y parámetros inmunitarios |
Zorrilla, E.P., Luborsky, L., McKay, J.R., Rosenthal, R., Houldin, A., Tax, A., McCorkle, R., Seligman, D.A. y Schmidt, K. (2001) The relationship of depression and stressors to immunological assays: a meta-analytic review. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 15, 199-226
Víctor Rubio Franco |
14 |
Autismo. Revisión |
Pelios, L.V. y Lund, S.K. (2001) A Selective Overview Of Issues On Classification, Causation, And Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention For Autism. Behavior Modification, 678-697.
Puestaldía |
15 |
Niños y adolescentes. Asistencia primaria, entrenamiento de profesionales |
Sebuliba, D. y Vostanis, P. (2001) Child and adolescent mental health training for primary care staff. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 6, 191-204.
Mª Isabel Comeche Moreno |
16 |
Niños maltratados. Entrevista |
Mordock, J.B. (2001) Interviewing abused and traumatized children. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 6, 271-291.
Marta I. Díaz García |
17 |
Habilidades terapéuticas. Efectividad de los cursos para su adquisición |
Miller, W.R. y Mount, K.A. (2001) A small study of training in motivational interviewing: does one workshop change clinician and client behavior? Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29, 457-471.
Miguel A. Vallejo Pareja |
18 |
Ausencia de tratamiento. La lista de espera como grupo de control |
Arrindell, W.A. (2001) Changes in waiting-list patients over time: data on some commonly-used measures. Beware! Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39, 1227-1247.
Miguel A. Vallejo Pareja |
19 |
Teléfono. Tratamiento de la fatiga crónica |
Burgess, M. y Chalder, T. (2001) Telephone cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome in secondary care: a case series. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29, 447-455.
Puestaldía |
20 |
Internet. Tratamiento del trastorno de pánico |
Carlbring, P., Westling, B.E., Ljungstrand, P., Ekselius, L. y Andersson, G. (2001) Treatment of panic disorder via the internet: a randomized trial of a self-help program. Behavior Therapy, 32, 751-764.
Puestaldía |
· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P2) que cubre el periodo del primer cuatrimestre de 2025 |
1 |
Trastorno de pánico. Antidepresivos y tratamiento cognitivo-conductual |
Schmidt, N.B., Wollaway-Bickel, K., Trakowski, J.H., Santiago, H.T. y Vasey, M. (2002) Antidepressant discontinuation in the context of cognitive behavioral treatment for panic disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 67-73.
Enrique Echeburúa Odriozola |
2 |
Trastorno de pánico.
Terapia cognitiva vs. exposición interoceptiva |
Arntz, A. (2002) Cognitive therapy versus interoceptive exposure as treatment of panic disorder without agoraphobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 325 – 341.
Puestaldía |
3 |
Depresión. Guía de tratamiento para el médico |
Cabana, M.D., Rushton, J.L., Rush, A.J. (2002) Implementing practice guidelines for depression: applying a new framework to an old problem. General Hospital Psychiatry, 24, 35-42.
Puestaldía |
4 |
Agresores sexuales. Motivación para el tratamiento psicológico |
Tierney, D.V. y McCabe, M.P. (2002) Motivation for behavior change among sex offenders: a review of the literature. Clinical Psychology Review, 22, 113-129.
Puestaldía |
5 |
Técnica de exposición. Estrategias de seguridad, focalización y reinterpretación |
Tracy Sloan, T. y Telch, M.J. (2002) The effects of safety-seeking behavior and guided threat reappraisal on fear reduction during exposure: an experimental investigation. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 235-251.
Puestaldía |
6 |
Supresión del pensamiento. Agorafobia vs. fobia social |
Fehm, L. y Margraf, J. (2002) Thought suppression: specificity in agoraphobia versus broad impairment in social phobia? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 57-66.
Puestaldía |
7 |
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). Revisión |
Bjelland, I., Dahl, A.A., Haug, T.T. y Neckelmann, D. (2002) The validity of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. An updated literature review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 52, 69-77.
Puestaldía |
8 |
Ansiedad por separación en adultos.
Entrevista estructurada |
Ciranowski, J.M., Shear, M.K., Rucci, P., Fagiolini, A., Frank, E., Grochocinski, V.J., Kupfer, D.J., Banti, S., Armani, A. y Cassano, G. (2002) Adult separation anxiety: psychometric properties of a new structured clinical interview. Journal of Psychiatric Research 36, 77-86.
Puestaldía |
9 |
Tabaquismo. Auto-ayuda y uso del teléfono |
Míguez, M.A., Vázquez, F.L. y Becoña, E. (2002) Effectiveness of a telephone contact as an adjunct to a self-help program for smoking cessation. A randomized controlled trial in Spanish smokers. Addictive Behaviors, 27, 139-144.
Javier Fernández-Montalvo |
10 |
Mantenimiento de la pérdida de peso. Uso de internet |
Harvey-Berino, J., Pintauro, S.J. y Casey Gold, E. (2002) The feasibility of using internet support for the maintenance of weight loss. Behavior Modification, 26, 103-116.
Puestaldía |
11 |
Insomio. Control de los pensamientos y distracción |
Harvey, A.G. y Payne, S. (2002) The management of unwanted pre-sleep thoughts in insomnia: distraction with imagery versus general distraction. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 267-277.
María Crespo López |
12 |
Cefaleas tensionales. Tratamiento psicológico y psicofarmacológico |
Holroyd, K.A., O’Donnell, F.J., Stensland, M., Lipchik, G.L., Cordingley, G.E. y Carlson, B.W. (2001) Management of chronic tension-type headache with tricyclic antidepressant medication, stress management therapy, and their combination: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 285, 2208-2215.
Miguel A. Vallejo Pareja |
13 |
Menopausia. Programa de auto-cuidado |
Rostom, A., O´Connor, A., Tugwell, P. y Wells, G. (2002) A randomized trial of a computerized versus an audio-booklet decision aid for women considering post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy. Patient Education and Counseling, 46, 67-74.
Puestaldía |
14 |
Cáncer. Comunicación de las malas noticias |
Mager, W.M., y Andrykowski, M. A. (2002) Communication in the cancer "bad news" consultation: patient perceptions and psychological adjustment. Psyco-Oncology, 11, 35-46.
Puestaldía |
15 |
Cáncer. Comunicación del paciente con el médico |
Butow, P.N., Brown, R.F., Cogar, S., Tattersall, M.H.N y Dunn, S.M. (2002) Oncologists´ reactions to cancer patients´ verbal cues. Psycho-Oncology, 11, 47-58.
Puestaldía |
16 |
Autismo en adultos. Evaluación y tratamiento |
McLannahan, L.E., Macduff, G.A. y Krantz, P.J. (2002) Behavior analysis and intervention for adults with autism. Behavior Modification, 26, 9-26.
Puestaldía |
17 |
Alzheimer. Entrenamiento de los cuidadores (familia) |
Bourgeois, M.S., Schulz, R., Burgio, L.D. y Beach, S. (2002) Skills training for spouses of patients with Alzheimer’s disease: outcomes of an intervention study. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 8, 53-73.
Adelia de Miguel Negredo |
18 |
Niños. Tratamiento del miedo a las inyecciones |
Slifer, K.J., Eischen, S.E., Tucker, C.L., Dahlquist, L.M., Busby, S., Sulc, W. y Hilley, L. (2002) Behavioral treatment for child distress during repeated needle sticks. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 30, 57-68.
Puestaldía |
19 |
Depresión en la infancia y adolescencia.
Revisión |
Michael, K.D. y Crowley, S.L. (2002) How effective are treatments for child and adolescent depression? A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 22, 247-269.
Mª Paz García Vera |
20 |
Depresión en adolescentes. Programa LIVE |
Gaynor, S.T. y Lawrence, P.S. (2002) Complementing CBT for depressed adolescents with learning through in vivo experience (LIVE): conceptual analysis, treatment description and feasibility study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 30, 79-101.
Mª Isabel Comeche Moreno |
· Materias correspondientes a la
tercera entrega (P3) que cubre el periodo del
segundo cuatrimestre de 2002: |
1 |
obsesivo-compulsivo. Tratamiento individualizado |
Rosqvist, J., Thomas. J.C. y Egan, D.
(2002) Home-based cognitive-behavioral treatment of chronic, refractory
obsessive-compulsive disorder can be effective. Behavior Modification,
26, 205-222.
Puestaldía |
2 |
Trastorno por
estrés postraumático.
Predictores del tratamiento mediante exposición |
van Minnen, A. , Arntz, A., y
Keijsers, G.P.J. (2002) Prolonged exposure in patients with chronic PTSD:
predictors of treatment outcome and dropout. Behaviour Research and
Therapy, 40,
Puestaldía |
3 |
de cuestionarios en atención primaria |
Williams, J. W., Nöel, P. H., Cordes,
J. A., Ramirez, G., y Pignone, M. (2002) Is this patient clinically
depressed? JAMA, 287, 1160-1170.
Jesús Sanz Fernández |
4 |
Cuestionarios y criterios diagnósticos DSM-IV |
Sheeran, T. y Zimmerman, M. (2002)
Case identification of depression with self-report questionnaires. Psychiatry
Research, 109, 51-59.
Puestaldía |
5 |
bipolar y trastornos de ansiedad.
Comorbilidad |
Freeman, M.P., Freeman, S.A. y Mcelroy,
S.L. (2002) The comorbidity of bipolar and anxiety disorders: prevalence,
psychobiology, and treatment issues. Journal of Affective Disorders,
68, 2002 1-23.
Puestaldía |
6 |
sexuales. Cuestionarios.
Revisión |
Daker-White, G. (2002) Reliable and
valid self-report outcome measures in sexual (dys)function: A systematic
review. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31, 197-209.
Alfonso Roa Álvaro |
7 |
Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual. Seguimiento |
Maletzky B. M. y Steinhauser, C.
(2002) A 25-year follow-up of Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy with 7275
sexual offenders. Behavior Modification, 26, 123-147.
José Cáceres Carrasco |
8 |
de conducta social y de red social |
Copello, A., Orford, J., Hodgson, R.,
Tober y G., Barrett, C. (2002) Social behaviour and network therapy. Basic
principles and early experiences. Addictive Behaviors, 27, 345-366.
Elisardo Becoña Iglesias |
9 |
Programa de autoayuda |
Marks, D.F., y Sykes, C.M. (2002)
Randomized controlled trial of cognitive behavioural therapy for smokers
living in a deprived area of London: outcome at one-year follow-up. Psychology,
Health & Medicine, 7, 17-24.
Mª Paz García Vera |
10 |
Infarto de
Rehabilitación psicosocial |
Blumenthal, J.A., Babyak, M., Wei, J.,
O’Connor, C., Waugh, R., Eisenstein, E., Mark, D., Sherwood, A., Woodley,
P.S., Irwin, R.J., y Reed, G. (2002) Usefulness of psychosocial treatment
of mental-stress induced myocardial ischemia in men. American Journal
of Cardiology, 89, 164-168.
Jesús Sanz Fernández |
11 |
Depresión, aspectos clínicos y psiconeuroinmunológicos |
Irwin, M. (2002) Psychoneuroimmunology
of depression: clinical implications. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 16,
Víctor Rubio Franco |
12 |
Tratamiento individual y entrenamiento de los padres |
Froelich, J., Doepfner, M. y Lehmkuhl,
G. (2002) Effects of combined cognitive-behavioural treatment with parent
management training in ADHD. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy,
30, 111-115.
Paz de Corral Gargallo |
13 |
Depresión en
niños. Intervención
familiar |
Rosenbaum Asarnow, J., Scott, C.V. y
Mintz, J. (2002) A combined cognitive–behavioral family education
intervention for depression in children: a treatment development study. Cognitive
Therapy and Research, 26, 221–229.
Puestaldía |
14 |
Maltrato infantil.
y negligencia |
Gershater-Molko, R.M., Lutzker, J.R. y
Sherman, J.A. (2002) Intervention in child neglect: an applied behavioral
perspective. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 7, 103–124.
Puestaldía |
15 |
Revisión |
Stetter, F. y Kupper, S. (2002)
Autogenic training: a meta-analysis of clinical outcome studies. Applied
Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 27, 45-98.
María Crespo López |
16 |
Terapia cognitiva.
Relación terapéutica |
Waddington, L. (2002) The therapy
relationship in cognitive therapy: a review. Behavioural and Cognitive
Psychotherapy, 30, 179-191.
María Crespo López |
17 |
Programas de
autoayuda. Libros de autoayuda:
uso clínico |
Keeley, H., Williams, C. y Shapiro,
D.A. (2002) A United Kingdom survey of accredited cognitive behaviour
therapist’s attitudes towards and use of structured self-help materials.
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 30, 193–203.
Puestaldía |
18 |
Uso del teléfono.
del suicidio |
Cedereke M., Monti K., Öjehagen A.
(2002) Telephone contact with patients in the year after a suicide attempt:
does it affect treatment attendance and outcome? A randomised controlled
study. Eur Psychiatry 17, 82-91.
Puestaldía |
19 |
para el trabajo en equipo |
Barile, A.L. y Durso, F.T. (2002)
Computer-mediated communication in collaborative writing. Computers in
Human Behavior, 18, 173-190.
Miguel A. Vallejo Pareja |
20 |
Realidad virtual.
Comparación con la exposición en vivo en la acrofobia |
Emmelkamp, P. Krin, M. Hulsbosch, de
Vries, S. Schuemie, M. y van der Mast, C. (2002) Virtual reality treatment
versus exposure in vivo: a comparative evaluation in acrophobia. Behaviour
Research and Therapy, 40, 509-516.
Cristina Botella Arbona |