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Contenidos de 2011

· Materias correspondientes a la primera entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer cuatrimestre de 2010
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Depresión. Terapia de pareja

Cohen, S.; O'Leary, K. D.; y Foran, H. (2010) A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Brief, Problem-Focused Couple Therapy for Depression. Behavior Therapy, 41, 433446.

2 Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada. Tratamiento de la preocupación

Wolitzky-Taylor, K.B. y Telch, M.J. (2010) Efficacy of self-administered treatments for pathological academic worry: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 840-850. 

3 Pensamientos repetitivos Comparación de relajación y mindfulness

Feldman, G.; Greeson, J. y Senville, J. (2010) Differential effects of mindful breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and loving-kindness meditation on decentering and negative reactions to repetitive thoughts. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 1002-1011. 

4 Obesidad. Terapia cognitivo-conductual

Cooper, Z.; Doll, H. A.; Hawker, D. M.; Byrne, S.; Bonner, G.; Eeley, E.; O’Connor, M. E. y Fairburn, C. G. (2010) Testing a new cognitive behavioural treatment for obesity: A randomized controlled trial with three-year follow-up. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 706-713.

5 Insomnio. Terapia cognitivo conductual y de aceptación y compromiso

Dalrymple, K.L.; Fiorentino, L.; Politi, M.C. y Posner, D. (2010) Incorporating Principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy into Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Case Example. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 40, 209-217. 


Dolor en el cuello. Programa multicomponente en atención primaria

Gustavsson, C.; Denison, E. y Von Koch, L. (2010) Self-management of persistent neck pain: A randomized controlled trial of a multi-component group intervention in primary health care. European Journal of Pain, 14, 1–11.

7 Niños. Tratamiento de la ansiedad

Hirshfeld-Becker, D.R.; Masek, B.; Henin, A.; Blakely, L.R.; Pollock-Wurman, R.A.; McQuade, J.; DePetrillo, L.; Briesch, J.; Ollendick, T.H.; Rosenbaum, J.F. y Biederman, J. (2010) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for 4- to 7-Year-Old Children With Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78, 4, 498-510. 

8 Mindfulness. Estudio de su eficacia

Kuyken, W.; Watkins, E.; Holden, E.; White, K.; Taylor, R.S.; Byford, S.; Evans, A.; Radford, S.; Teasdale, J.D. y Dalgleish, T. (2010) How does mindfulness-based cognitive therapy work? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 1105-1112.

9 Internet. Tratamiento de trastornos de ansiedad

Titov, N.; Andrews, G.; Johnston, L.; Robinson, E.; Spence, J. (2010) Transdiagnostic Internet treatment for anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 890-899. 

10 Pornografía en Internet. Tratamiento mediante terapia de aceptación y compromiso

Twohig, M.P. y Crosby, J.M. (2010) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Treatment for Problematic Internet Pornography Viewing. Behavior Therapy, 41, 285295.

· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P2) que cubre el periodo del primer cuatrimestre de 2011
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada. Terapia de aceptación y compromiso en mayores

Wetherell, J. L.; Afari, N.; Ayers, C. R.; Stoddard, J. A.; Ruberg, J.; Sorrell, J. T.; Liu, L.; Petkus, A. J.; Thorp, S. R.; Kraft, A.; y Patterson, T. L. (2011) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Older Adults: A Preliminary Report. Behavior Therapy, 42, 127134.

2 Depresión. Activación conductual en mayores

Snarski, M.; Scogin, F.; DiNapoli, E.; Presnell, A.; McAlpine, J.; y Marcinak, J. (2011) The Effects of Behavioral Activation Therapy With Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry Patients. Behavior Therapy, 42, 100108.

3 Depresión. Prevención de recaídas

Bockting, C.; Elgersma, H.; van Rijsbergen, G.; de Jonge, P.; Ormel, J.; Buskens, E.; Stant, A. D.; de Jong, P. J.; Peeters, F.; Huibers, M.; Arntz, A.; Muris, P.; Nolen, W. A.; Schene, A. H.; y Hollon, S. D. (2011) Disrupting the rhythm of depression: design and protocol of a randomized controlled trial on preventing relapse using brief cognitive therapy with or without antidepressants. BMC Psychiatry, 11:8.

4 Trastorno límite de personalidad. Terapia de conducta dialéctica

Pasieczny, N.; y Connor, J. (2011) The effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy in routine public mental health settings: An Australian controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 4-10.

5 Dermaticomanía. Terapia cognitivo conductual

Schuck, K.; Keijsers, P. J.; y Rinck, M. (2011) The effects of brief cognitive-behaviour therapy for pathological skin picking: A randomized comparison to wait-list control. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 11-17.


Trastornos del comportamiento alimentario. Guía de autoayuda

Traviss, G. D.; Heywood-Everett, S.; y Hill, A. J. (2011) Guided self-help for disordered eating: A randomised control trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 25-31.

7 Regulación emocional. Ira

Szasz, P. L.; Szentagotai, A.; y Hofmann, S. G. (2011) The effect of emotion regulation strategies on anger. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 114-119.

8 Recursos tecnológicos. Revisión

Clough, B. A.; y Casey, L. M. (2011) Technological adjuncts to enhance current psychotherapy practices: A review. Clinical Psychology Review, 31, 279292.

9 Internet. Tratamiento de trastornos de ansiedad

Carlbring, P.; Maurin, L.; Törngren, C.; Linna, M.; Eriksson, T.; Sparthan, E.; Strååt, M.; Marquez von Hage, C.; Bergman-Nordgren, B.; y Andersson. G. (2011) Individually-tailored, Internet-based treatment for anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 18-24.

10 Internet. Depresión y trastornos cardiovasculares

Cockayne, N. L.; Glozier, N.; Naismith, S. L.; Christensen, H.; Neal, B.; y Hickie, I. B. (2011) Internet-based treatment for older adults with depression and co-morbid cardiovascular disease: protocol for a randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 11:10.

· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P3) que cubre el periodo del segundo cuatrimestre de 2011
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Trastorno de pánico con agorafobia. Exposición guiada

Gloster, A. T.; Wittchen, H.; Einsle, F.; Lang, T.; Helbig-Lang, S.; Fydrich, T.; Fehm, L.; Hamm, A. O.; Richter, J.; Alpers, G. W.; Gerlach, A. L.; Ströhle, A.; Kircher, T.; Deckert, J.; Zwanzger, P.; Höfler, M.; y Arolt, V. (2011) Psychological Treatment for Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Examine the Role of Therapist-Guided Exposure In Situ in CBT. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79, 1-15.

2 Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada. Terapia cognitivo conductual y procesamiento emocional

Newman, M. G.; Castonguay, L. G.; Borkovec, T. D.; Fisher, A. J.; Boswell, J. F.; Szkodny, L. E.; y Nordberg, S. S. (2011) A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder With Integrated Techniques From Emotion-Focused and Interpersonal Therapies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79, 171–181.

3 Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Terapia individual y en grupo

Jónsson, H.; Hougaard, E.; y Bennedsen, B. E. (2011) Dysfunctional beliefs in group and individual cognitive behavioral therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 483–489.

4 Trastornos del comportamiento alimentario. Terapia cognitivo conductual

Byrne, S. M.; Fursland, A.; Allen, K. L.; y Watson, H. (2011) The effectiveness of enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders: An open trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 219-226.

5 Colon irritable. Exposición interoceptival

Craske, M. G.; Wolitzky-Taylor, K. B.; Labus, J.; Wu, S.; Frese, M.; Mayer, E. A.; y Naliboff, B. D. (2011) A cognitive-behavioral treatment for irritable bowel syndrome using interoceptive exposure to visceral sensations. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 413-421.


Insomnio. Tratamiento en niños

Paine, P. y Gradisar, M. (2011) A randomised controlled trial of cognitive-behaviour therapy for behavioural insomnia of childhood in school-aged children. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 379-388.

7 Demencia. Rehabilitación conductual

Buchanan, J.A.; Christenson, A.; Houlihan, D. y Ostrom, C. (2011) The Role of Behavior Analysis in the Rehabilitation of Persons With Dementia. Behavior Therapy, 42, 9–21.

8 Exposición. Activación y procesamiento emocional

Norton, P.J.; Hayes-Skelton, S.H.; y Klenck. S.C. (2011) What happens in session does not stay in session: Changes within exposures predict subsequent improvement and dropout. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 654–660.

9 Reforzamiento ambiental. Cuestionario

Carvalho, J.P.; Gawrysiak, M.J.; Hellmuth, J.C.; McNulty, J.K.; Magidson, J.F.; Lejuez, C.W. y Hopko, D.R. (2011) The Reward Probability Index: Design and Validation of a Scale Measuring Access to Environmental Reward. Behavior Therapy, 42, 249–262.

10 Resistencia a la terapia. Evaluación

Westra, H.A. (2011) Comparing the predictive capacity of observed in-session resistance to self-reported motivation in cognitive behavioral therapy. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 106-113.