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Contenidos de 2014

· Materias correspondientes a la primera entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer cuatrimestre de 2013
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo. Terapia conductual vs. cognitiva

Olatunji, B.O.; Rosenfield, D.; Tart, C.D.; Cottraux, J.; Powers, M. B.; y Smits, J.A. (2013) Behavioral Versus Cognitive Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: An Examination of Outcome and Mediators of Change. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81, 415–428.

2 Trastorno de pánico con agorafobia. Eficacia del tratamiento a largo plazo

Gloster, A.T.; Hauke, C.; Höfler, M.; Einsle, F.; Fydrich, T.; Hamm, A.; Sthröhle, A.; y Wittchen, H.U. (2013) Long-term stability of cognitive behavioral therapy effects for panic disorder with agoraphobia: A two-year follow-up study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 51, 830-839.

3 Depresión. Tolerancia al malestar

Williams, A.D.; Thompson, J.; y Andrews, G. (2013) The impact of psychological distress tolerance in the treatment of depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 51, 469–475.   

4 Obesidad. Mantenimiento de la pérdida de peso

Latner, J.D.; Ciao, A.C.; Wendicke, A. U.; Murakami, J.M.; y Durso, L.E. (2013) Community-based behavioral weight-loss treatment: Long-term maintenance of weight loss, physiological, and psychological outcomes. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 51, 451-459.

5 Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad. Neurofeedback

Meisel, V.; Servera, M.; Garcia-Blanda, G.; Cardo, E.; y Moreno, I. (2013) Neurofeedback and standard pharmacological intervention in ADHD: A randomized controlled trial with six-month follow-up. Behavior Therapy, 44, 548-558.


Exposición. Práctica clínica

Abramowitz, J.S. (2013) The Practice of Exposure Therapy: Relevance of Cognitive-Behavioral Theory and Extinction Theory. Behavior Therapy, 44, 548-558.

7 Exposición interoceptiva. Protocolo unificado transdiagnóstico de tratamiento de los trastornos emocionales

Boswell, J.F.; Farchione, T.J.; Sauer-Zavala, S.; Murray, H.W.; Fortune, M.R.; y Barlow, D. (2013) Anxiety Sensitivity and Interoceptive Exposure: A Transdiagnostic Construct and Change Strategy. Behavior Therapy, 44, 417-431.

8 Expectativas. Mejora del tratamiento

Swift, J.K. y Derthick, A.G. (2013) Increasing Hope by Addressing Clients’ Outcomes Expectations. Psychotherapy, 50, 284–287.

9 Terapia de conducta dialéctica. Enfoque modular

Koerner, K. (2013) What Must You Know and Do to Get Good Outcomes With DBT? Behavior Therapy, 44, 568–579.

10 Internet. Tratamiento de la depresión

Williams, A.D.; Blackwell, S.E.; Mackenzie, A.; Holmes, E.A.; y Andrews, G. (2013) Combining Imagination and Reason in the Treatment of Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Internet-Based Cognitive-Bias Modification and Internet-CBT for Depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81, 793–799.

· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P2) que cubre el periodo del primer cuatrimestre de 2014
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada. Estrategias terapéuticas

Szkodny, L. E.; Newman, M. G.; y Goldfried, M. R. (2014) Clinical Experiences in Conducting Empirically Supported Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Behavior Therapy, 45, 7-20.

2 Trastorno de pánico. Estrategias terapéuticas

Wolf, A. W. y Goldfried, M. R. (2014) Clinical Experiences in Using Cognitive-Behavior Therapy to Treat Panic Disorder. Behavior Therapy, 45, 36-46.

3 Trastorno de pánico. Alianza terapéutica

Huppert, J.D.; Kivity, Y.; Barlow, D.H.; Gorman, J.M.; Shear, M.K. y Woods, S.W. (2014) Therapist effects and the outcome-alliance correlation in cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder with agoraphobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 52, 26–34.

4 Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Recaídas

Abramowitz, J. S. y Arch, J. J. (2014) Strategies for Improving Long-Term Outcomes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Insights From Learning Theory. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 21, 20-31.

5 Depresión. Activación conductual

Collado, A.; Castillo, S.D.; Maero, F.; Lejuez, C.W. y Mac Pherson, L. (2014) Pilot of the Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression in Latinos With Limited English Proficiency: Preliminary Evaluation of Efficacy and Acceptability. Behavior Therapy, 45, 102-115.


Anorexia. Revisión de los tratamientos

Galsworthy-Francis, L. y Allan, S. (2014) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for anorexia nervosa: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 34, 54-72.

7 Trastornos del comportamiento alimentario. Exposición a la imagen corporal

Trentowska, M.; Svaldi, J.; y Tuschen-Caffier, B. (2014) Efficacy of body exposure as treatment component for patients with eating disorders. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 45, 178-185.

8 Alcoholismo. Intervención en jóvenes a través de Internet

Doumas, D.M.; Esp, S.; Turrisi, R.; Hausheer, R. y Cuffee, C. (2014) A test of the efficacy of a brief, web-based personalized feedback intervention to reduce drinking among 9th grade students. Addictive Behaviors, 39, 231-238.

9 Cefalea tensional. Tratamiento mediante mindfulness

Cathcart, S.; Galatis, N.; Immink, M.; Proeve, M. y Petkov, J. (2014) Brief Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Chronic Tension-Type Headache: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 42, 1–15.

10 Ensayo conductual. Utilidad de la técnica

Beidas, R.S.; Cross, W. y Dorsey, S. (2014) Show me, dont tell me: behavioral rehearsal as a training and analogue fidelity tool. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 21, 1–11.

· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P3) que cubre el periodo del segundo cuatrimestre de 2014
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Trastorno de obsesivo compulsivo. Programa para niños en intervención familiar

Lewin, A.B.; Park, J.M.; Jones, A.M.; Crawford, E.A.; De Nadai, A.S.; Menzel, J.; Arnold, E.B.; Murphy, T.K. y Storch, E.A. (2014) Family-based exposure and response prevention therapy for preschool-aged children with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Behavior Research and Therapy, 56, 30-38.

2 Trastorno de personalidad límite. Terapia de conducta dialéctica

Harned, M.S.; Korslund, K.E. y Linehan, M.M. (2014) A pilot randomized controlled trial of Dialectical Behavior Therapy with and without the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure protocol for suicidal and self-injuring women with borderline personality disorder and PTSD. Behavior Research and Therapy, 55, 7-17.

3 Terapia de exposición. Mejora de su eficacia

Craske, M.G.; Treanor, M.; Conway, C.C.; Zbozinek, T. y Vervliet, B. (2014) Maximizing exposure therapy: An inhibitory learning approach. Behavior Research and Therapy, 55, 10-23.

4 Escritura emocional. Utilidad terapéutica

Konig, K.; Eonta, A.; Dyal, S.R. y Vrana, S.R. (2014) Enhancing the Benefits of Written Emotional Disclosure Through Response Training. Behavior Therapy, 45, 344-357.

5 Trastorno dismórfico corporal. Tratamiento

Wilhelm, S.; Phillips, K.A.; Didie, E.; Buhlmann, U.; Greenberg, J.L.; Fama, J.M.; Keshaviah, A. y Steketee, G. (2014) Modular Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy, 45, 314-327.


Colon irritable. Tratamiento mediante Internet

Ljótsson, B.; Hesser, H.; Andersson, E.; Lackner, J.M.; El Alaoui, S.; Falk, L.; Aspvall, K.; Fransson, J.; Hammarlund, M.; Löfström, A.; Nowinski, S.; Lindfors, P. y Hedman, E. (2014) Provoking symptoms to relieve symptoms: A randomized controlled dismantling study of exposure therapy in irritable bowel syndrome. Behavior Research and Therapy, 55, 27-39.

7 Hiperacusia. Tratamiento

Jüris, L.; Andersson, G.; Larsen, H. C. y Ekselius, L. (2014) Cognitive behaviour therapy for hyperacusis: A randomized controlled trial. Behavior Research and Therapy, 54, 30-37.

8 Insomnio. Intervención en jóvenes

Taylor, D.J.; Zimmerman, M.R.; Gardner, C.E.; Williams, J.M.; Grieser, E.A.; Tatum, J.I.; Bramoweth, A.D.; Francetich, J.M. y Ruggero, C. (2014) A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia on Sleep and Daytime Functioning in College Students. Behavior Therapy, 45, 376-389.

9 Insomnio. Intervención comunitaria

Bonin, E.M.; Beecham, J.; Swift, N.; Raikundalia, S. y Brown, J.S.L. (2014) Psycho-educational CBT-Insomnia workshops in the community. A cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a randomised controlled trial. Behavior Research and Therapy, 55, 40-47.

10 Violencia familiar. Prevención a través de Internet

Braithwaite, S.R. y Fincham, F.D. (2014) Computer-based prevention of intimate partner violence in marriage. Behavior Research and Therapy, 54, 12-21.