Materias correspondientes a la primera
entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer
cuatrimestre de 2007 |
1 |
Terapia cognitiva y relajación |
J.; y Chambless, D. L. (2007) Specificity of
Treatment Effects: Cognitive Therapy and
Relaxation for Generalized Anxiety and Panic
Journal of Consulting
and Clinical Psychology, 75,
513–522. |
2 |
Activación conductual
vs. terapia cognitiva antidepresivos |
Coffman, S. J.; Martell, C. R.; Dimidjian,
S.; Gallop, R.; y Hollon, S. D. (2007)
Extreme Nonresponse in Cognitive Therapy:
Can Behavioral Activation Succeed Where
Cognitive Therapy Fails?
Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 75,
531–541. |
3 |
Depresión en adolescentes.
Prevención |
Horowitz, J. L.; Garber, J.; Ciesla, J. A.;
Young, J. F.; y Mufson, L. (2007) Prevention
of Depressive Symtoms in Adolescents: A
Randomized Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral
and Interpersonal Prevention Programs.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 75,
693–706. |
4 |
Mindfulness |
McCraken, L. M.; Gauntlett-Gilbert, J.; y
Vowles, K. E. (2007) Ther role of
mindfulness in a contextual cognitive-behavioral
analysis of chronic pain-related suffering
and disability.
Pain, 131,
63–67. |
5 |
Expectativas y placebo |
Webb, M. S.; Hendricks, P. S.; y Brandon, T.
H. (2007) Expectancy Priming of
Smoking Cessation Messages Enhances the
Placebo Effect of Tailored Interventions.
Heath Psychology, 26,
598–609. |
6 |
Instrucciones y efectos psicofisiológicos |
Conrad, A.; Müller, A.; Doberenz, S.; Kim,
S.; Meuret, A. E.; Wollburg, E.; y Roth, W.
T. (2007) Psychophysiological Effects of
Breathing Instructions for Stress
Applied Psychophysiological Biofeedback, 32,
89–98. |
7 |
Utilidad terapéutica |
Freeman, A. (2007) The Use of Homework in
Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Working with
Complex Anxiety and Insomnia.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 14,
8 |
para casa.
Expectativas y terapia |
Westra, H. A.; Dozois, D. J. A.; y Marcus,
M. (2007) Expectancy, Homework Compliance,
and Inicial Change in Cognitive-Behavioral
Therapy for Anxiety.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 75,
363–373. |
9 |
Trastornos alimentarios e imagen corporal |
Paxton, S. J.; McLean, S. A.; Gollings, E.
K.; Faulkner, C.; y Wertheim, E. H. (2007)
Comparison of Face-to-Face and Internet
Interventions for Body Image and Eating
Problems in Adult Women: An RCT.
International Journal of Eating Disorders,
692-704. |
10 |
Tratamiento a través del teléfono |
Mohr, D. C.; Hart, S.; y Vella, L. (2007)
Reduction in Disability in a Randomized
Controlled Trial of Telephone-Administered
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.
Heath Psychology, 26,
554–563. |
Materias correspondientes a la segunda
entrega (P2) que cubre el periodo del primer
cuatrimestre de 2008 |
1 |
Prevención |
Wyman, P. A.; Brown, C. H.; Inman, J.;
Cross, W.; Schmeelk-Cone, K.; Guo, J.; y
Pena, J. P.
Randomized Trial of a Gatekeeper Program for
Suicide Prevention:
1-Year Impact on Secondary School Staff.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 76:104–115. |
2 |
de pánico.
Tratamiento por
Internet |
Austin, D. y Kiropoulos, L. (2008) An
Internet-based investigation of the
catastrophic misinterpretation model of
panic disorder. Journal of Anxiety
233-242. |
3 |
obsesivo compulsivo.
Evaluación |
Grabill, K.; Merlo, L.; Duke, D.; Harford,
K.; Keeley, M. L.; Geffken, G. R. y Storch,
E. A. (2008) Assessment of
obsessive-compulsive disorder: A review.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders,
1-17. |
4 |
Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo en niños.
Exposición con prevención de respuesta |
Bolton, D. y Perrin, S. (2008).
Evaluation of exposure
with response-prevention for obsessive
compulsive disorder in childhood and
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental
Psychiatry, 39:
11–22. |
5 |
Adicciones y trastornos mentales.
Tratamiento |
Drake, R. E.; O’Neal, E. L. y Wallach, M. A.
A systematic review of psychosocial research
on psychosocial interventions for people
with co-occurring
severe mental and substance use disorders.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment,
34: 123– 138. |
6 |
Tratamiento con biofeedback EEG |
Sokhadze, T. M.; Cannon, R. L. y Trudeau, D.
L. (2008) EEG Biofeedback as a Treatment for
Subtance Use Disorders: Review, Rating of
Efficacy, and Recomentations for Further
Research. Journal of Applied
Psychophysiology and Biofeedback,
33-82. |
7 |
Mindfulness |
Morone, N. E.; Greco, C. M. y Weiner, D. K.
(2008) Mindfulness meditation
for the treatment of chronic low back pain
in older adults: A randomized controlled
pilot study.
Pain, 134:
310–319. |
8 |
Fatiga crónica.
Tratamiento |
Scheeres, K.; Wensing, M.; Knoop, H. y
Bleijenberg, G. (2008) Implementing
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome in a Mental Health Center:
A Benchmarking Evaluation.
Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 76, 1:
163–171. |
9 |
Decisiones sobre su uso |
Dijkstra, D.; Jaspers, M. y Van Zwieten, M.
Psychiatric and Psychological Factors in
Patient Decision Making Concerning
Antidepressant Use.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 76, 1:
149–157. |
10 |
de aceptación y compromiso.
Aportaciones |
Hoffman, S. G. y Asmundson, G. J. G. (2008)
Acceptance and mindfulness – based therapy:
New wave or old hat? Clinical Psychology
1-16. |
Materias correspondientes a la tercera
entrega (P3) que cubre el periodo del
cuatrimestre de 2008 |
1 |
Biblioterapia y
teléfono |
Bilich, L. L.; Deane, F. P.; Phipps, A. B.;
Barisic, M. y Gould, G. (2008) Effectiveness
of Bibliotherapy
Self-Help for Depression with Varying Levels
of Telephone Helpline Support.
Clinical Psychology and
Psychotherapy, 15,
61–74. |
2 |
de ansiedad generalizado.
Mindfulness |
Evans, S.; Ferrando, S.; Findler, M.;
Stowell, S.; Smart, C. y Haglin, D. (2008)
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for
generalized anxiety disorder.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22,
716–721. |
3 |
Terapia de aceptación y compromiso |
Lundgren, T.; Dahl, J. A. y Hayes, S. C.
(2008) Evaluation of mediators of change in
the treatment of epilepsy with acceptance
and commitment therapy.
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 31,
225–235. |
4 |
Revisión |
Sysko, R. y Walsh, B. T. (2008) A Critical
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Self-Help
Interventions for the Treatment of Bulimia
Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder. Eating
Disorders, 41, 97–112. |
5 |
Mindfulness |
Ong, J. C.; Shapiro, S.
L. y Manber, R. (2008) Combining Mindfulness
Meditation with Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
for Insomnia: A Treatment-Development Study.
Behavior Therapy, 39, 171–182. |
6 |
Teléfono |
M. R.; Keefe, F. J.; Brigidi, B.; Naud, S. y
Helzer, J. E. (2008) Therapeutic Interactive
Voice Response for chronic pain reduction
and relapse prevention. Pain 134,
335–345. |
7 |
Terapia cognitivo conductual |
Malouff, J. M.; Thorsteinsson, E. B.; Rooke,
S. E.; Bhullar, N. y Schutte, N. S. (2008)
Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for
chronic fatigue syndrome: A meta-analysis.
Clinical Psychology Review, 28,
736–745. |
8 |
Activación conductual y depresión |
Hopko, D. R.; Bell, J. L.; Armento, M.;
Robertson, S.; Mullane, C.; Wolf, N. y
Lejuez, C. W. (2008) Cognitive-Behavior
Therapy for Depressed Cancer Patients in a
Medical Care Setting.
Therapy, 39,
126–136. |
9 |
Ansiedad y depresión |
Weersing, V. R.; Gonzalez, A.; Campo, J. V.
y Lucas, A. N. (2008) Brief Behavioral
Therapy for Pediatric Anxiety and
Depression: Piloting an Integrated Treatment
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 15,
126–139. |
10 |
Revisión |
Toplak, M. E.; Connors,
L.; Shuster, J.; Knezevic, B. y Parks, S.
(2008) Review of cognitive, cognitive-behavioral,
and neural-based interventions for
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD). Clinical Psychology Review 28,
801–823. |