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Contenidos de 2019

· Materias correspondientes a la primera entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer cuatrimestre de 2018
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Trastornos de ansiedad generalizada y depresión. Terapia de regulación emocional

Renna, M.E.; Quintero, J.M.; Soffer, A.; Pino, M.; Ader, L.; Fresco, D.M.; y Mennin, D.S. (2018) A Pilot Study of Emotion Regulation Therapy for Generalized Anxiety and Depression: Findings From a Diverse Sample of Young Adults. Behavior Therapy, 49, 403–418.

2 Ansiedad en universitarios. Intervención breve a través de Internet

Eustis, E.H.; Hayes-Skelton, S.A.; Orsillo, S.M.; Roemer, L. (2018) Surviving and Thriving During Stress: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing a Brief Web-Based Therapist-Assisted Acceptance-Based Behavioral Intervention Versus Waitlist Control for College Students. Behavior Therapy, 49, 889–903.

3 Fobias específicas. Exposición en una sola sesión

Ollendick, T.H.; Ryan, S.M.; Capriola-Hall, H.C.; Austin, K.E.; y Fraire, M. (2018) Have Phobias, Will Travel: Addressing One Barrier to the Delivery of an Evidence-Based Treatment. Behavior Therapy, 49, 594603.

4 Miedos nocturnos. Intervención breve

El Rafihi-Ferreira, R.; Silvares, E. F. M.; Asbahr, F.R.; y Ollendick, T.H. (2018) Brief treatment for nighttime fears and co-sleeping problems: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 58, 51–60.

5 Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Intervención del terapeuta

Levy, H.C.; Hannan, S.; Diefenbach, G.J.; y Tolin, D.F. (2018) Change in obsessive beliefs in therapist-directed and self-directed exposure therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 18, 1–7.


Exposición y distracción. Autoeficacia y aceptabilidad del tratamiento

Senn, J.M.; y Radomsky, A.S. (2018) Too little, too much, or just right? Does the amount of distraction make a difference during contamination-related exposure? Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 59, 1–11.

7 Autocrítica. Restructuración vs. defusion

Levin, M.E.; Haeger, J.; An, W.; y Twohig, M.P. (2018) Comparing Cognitive Defusion and Cognitive Restructuring Delivered Through a Mobile App for Individuals High in Self-Criticism. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 42, 844–855.

8 Suicidio. Protocolo de intervención

Carmel, A.; Templeton, E.; Sorenson, S.M.; y Logvinenko, E. (2018) Using the Linehan Risk Assessment and Management Protocol With a Chronically Suicidal Patient: A Case Report. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 25, 449-459.

9 Obesidad. Tratamiento con biofeedback

Meyer, P.H.; Friederich, H.C.; y Zastrow, A. (2018) Breathe to ease - Respiratory biofeedback to improve heart rate variability and coping with stress in obese patients: A pilot study. Mental Health & Prevention, 11, 41–46.

10 Conductas saludables. Terapia de aceptación y compromiso

Barreto, M.; y Gaynor, S.T. (2018) A Single-Session of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Health-Related Behavior Change: Protocol Description and Initial Case Examples. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice. Advance online publication.

· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P2) que cubre el periodo del primer cuatrimestre de 2019
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Esquizofrenia. Entrenamiento cognitivo

Jahshan, C.; Vinogradov, S.; Wynn, J.K.; Hellemann, G.; y Green, M.F. (2019) A randomized controlled trial comparing a bottom-up and top-down approach to cognitive training in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 109, 118–125.

2 Esquizofrenia. Tratamiento de los síntomas negativos

Ventura, J.; Subotnik, K.L.; Gretchen-Doorly, D.; Casaus, L.; Boucher, M.; Medalia, A.; Belld, M.D.; Hellemann, G.S.; y Nuechterlein, K.H. (2019) Cognitive remediation can improve negative symptoms and social functioning infirst-episode schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trial. Schizophrenia Research, 203, 24–31.

3 Ansiedad. Interocepción cardiaca y biofeedback

Meyerholz, L.; Irzinger, J.; Witthöft, M.; Gerlach, A.L.; y Pohl, A. (2019) Contingent biofeedback outperforms other methods to enhance the accuracy of cardiac interoception: A comparison of short interventions. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 63, 12-20.

4 Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Activación conductual

Blakey, S.M.; Abramowitz, J.S.; Leonard, R.C.; y Riemann, B.C. (2019) Does Exposure and Response Prevention Behaviorally Activate Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? A Preliminary Test. Behavior Therapy, 50, 214224.

5 Trastorno de estrés postraumático. Tratamiento del insomnio

Colvonen, P. J.; Drummond, S.P.A.; Angkaw, A.C.; y Norman, S.B. (2019) Piloting Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Integrated With Prolonged Exposure. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11, 107–113.


Adicciones. Prevención de recaídas y meditación

Mallika, D.; Bowen, B.; Yang, Y.; Perkins, R.; y Sandoz, E.K. (2019) Raja yoga meditation and medication-assisted treatment for relapse prevention: A pilot study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 96, 58–64.

7 Absentismo laboral. Terapia de aceptación y compromiso

Finnes, A.; Ghaderi, A.; Dahl, J. A.; Nager, A.; y Enebrink, P. (2019) Randomized Controlled Trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and a Workplace Intervention for Sickness Absence Due to Mental Disorders. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 24, 198–212.

8 Pesadillas en niños. Factores predictores

Secrist, M.E.; Dalenberg, C.J.; y Gevirtz, R. (2019) Contributing Factors Predicting Nightmares in Children: Trauma, Anxiety, Dissociation, and Emotion Regulation. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11, 114–121.

9 Abandono del tratamiento. Duración de éste

Zieve, G.G.; Persons, J.B.; y Yu, L.A. (2019) The Relationship Between Dropout and Outcome in Naturalistic Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Behavior Therapy, 50, 189–199.

10 Habilidades terapéuticas. Terapia cognitivo conductual

Okamoto, A.; Dattilio, F.M.; Dobson, K.S.; y Kazantzis, N. (2019). The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy: Essential Features and Common Challenges. Practice Innovations. Advance online publication. February 7, 2019.

· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P3) que cubre el periodo del segundo cuatrimestre de 2019
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada. Mejora de la intolerancia a la incertidumbre

Hebert, E. A.; y Dugas, M. J. (2019) Behavioral Experiments for Intolerance of Uncertainty: Challenging the Unknown in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 26, 421-436.

2 Tratamiento transdiagnóstico de los trastornos emocionales. Protocolo unificado

Curreri, A. J.; Farchione, T. J.; y Wang, M. (2019) Fostering Engagement in Early Sessions of Transdiagnostic Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Psychotherapy, 56, 41–47.

3 Trastorno de estrés postraumático. Terapia de procesamiento cognitivo

Nixon, R. D. V.; y Bralo, D. (2019) Using Explicit Case Formulation to Improve Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD. Behavior Therapy, 50, 155164.

4 Tratamiento de la depresión. Perspectivas

Hollon, S.D.; Cohen, Z.D.; Singla, D.R.; y Andrews, P.W. (2019) Recent Developments in the Treatment of Depression. Behavior Therapy, 50, 257269.

5 Depresión postparto. Tratamiento

Loughnan, S.A.; Butler, C.; Sie, A.A.; Grierson, A.B.; Chen, A.Z.; Hobbs, M.J.; Joubert, A.E.; Haskelberg, H.; Mahoney, A.; Holt, C.; Gemmill, A.W.; Milgrom, J.; Austin, M.P.; Andrews, G.; y Newby, J.M. (2019) A randomised controlled trial of MUMentum postnatal: Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety and depression in postpartum women. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 116, 94–103.


Psicosis. Activación social mediante terapia cognitivo conductual

Pos, K.; Franke, N.; Smit, F.; Wijnen, B. F. M.; Staring, A.B.P.; Van der Gaag, M.; Meijer, C.; Haan, L.; Velthorst, E.; y Schirmbeck, F. (2019) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Activation in Recent-Onset Psychosis: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87, 151–160.

7 Dolor abdominal en adolescentes. Tratamiento a través de Internet

Bonnert, M.; Olén, O.; Lalouni, M.; Hedman-Lagerlöf, E.; Särnholm, J.; Serlachius, E.; y Ljótsson, B. (2019) Internet-Delivered Exposure-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents With Functional Abdominal Pain or Functional Dyspepsia: A Feasibility Study. Behavior Therapy, 50, 177188.

8 Absentismo escolar. Tratamiento modular

Reissner, V.; Knollmann, M.; Spie, S.; Jost, D.; Neumann, A.; y Hebebrand, J. (2019) Modular Treatment for Children and Adolescents With Problematic School Absenteeism: Development and Description of a Program in Germany. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 26, 63-74.

9 Trastorno dismórfico corporal. Tratamiento cognitivo vs. relajación

Wilver, N.L.; y Cougle, J.R. (2019) An Internet-Based Controlled Trial of Interpretation Bias Modification Versus Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87, 257–269.

10 Excitación sexual femenina. Variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca

Stanton, A.M.; Boyd, R.L.; Fogarty, J.J.; y Meston C.M. (2019) Heart rate variability biofeedback increases sexual arousal among women with female sexual arousal disorder: Results from a randomized-controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 115, 90–102.