Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. Actualización 2025
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Contenidos de 2018

· Materias correspondientes a la primera entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer cuatrimestre de 2017
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Trastornos de ansiedad. Activación conductual

Boswell, J. F.; Iles, B. R.; Gallagher, M. W. y Farchione, T. J. (2017) Behavioral Activation Strategies in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders. Psychotherapy, 54, 231–236.

2 Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada. Tratamiento a través de Internet

Hobbs, M.J.; Mahoney, A.E. y Andrews, G. (2017) Integrating iCBT for generalized anxiety disorder into routine clinical care: Treatment effects across the adult lifespan. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 51, 47–54.

3 Preocupaciones. Extinción a través de Internet

Andersson, E.; Hedman, E.; Wadström, O.; Boberg, J.; Andersson, E.Y.; Axelsson, E.; Bjureberg, J.; Hursti, T. y Ljótsson, B. (2017) Internet-Based Extinction Therapy for Worry: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy, 48, 391402.

4 Trastorno bipolar. Terapia de conducta dialéctica

Eisner, L.; Eddie, D.; Harley, R.; Jacobo, M.; Nierenberg, A. y Deckersbach, T. (2017) Dialectical Behavior Therapy Group Skills Training for Bipolar Disorder. Behavior Therapy, 48, 557566.

5 Adicciones. Tratamiento a través de Internet

Elison, S.; Jones, A.; Ward, J.; Daviesa, G. y Dugdale, S. (2017) Examining effectiveness of tailorable computer-assisted therapy programmes for substance misuse: Programme usage and clinical outcomes data from Breaking Free Online. Addictive Behaviors, 74, 140-147.


Alcoholismo. Biofeedback de variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca

Penzlin, A.I.; Barlinn, K.; Illigens, B.M.; Weidner, K.; Siepmann, M.; Siepmann, T. (2017) Effect of short-term heart rate variability biofeedback on long-term abstinence in alcohol dependent patients –a one-year follow-up. BMC Psychiatry, 1, 325, 1-8.

7 Dolor abdominal en niños. Aceptación y exposición

Zucker, N.; Mauro, C.; Craske, M.; Wagner, H. R.; Datta, N.; Hopkins, H.; Caldwell, K.; Kiridly, A.; Marsan, S.; Maslow, G.; Mayer, E. y Egger, H. (2017) Acceptance-based interoceptive exposure for young children with functional abdominal pain. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 97, 200-212.

8 Pesadillas. Exposición

Kunze, A.E.; Arntz, A.; Morina, N.; Kindt, M. y Lancee, J. (2017) Efficacy of imagery rescripting and imaginal exposure for nightmares: A randomized wait-list controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 97, 14-25.

9 Trastornos del sueño. Mindfulness

Blake, M.J.; Snoep, L.; Raniti, M.; Schwartz, O.; Waloszek, J.M.; Simmons, J.G.; Murray, G.; Blake, L.; Landau, E. R.; Dahl, E.; Bootzin, R.; McMakin, D. L.; Dudgeon, P.; Trinder, J.; Allen, N.B. (2017) A cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness-based group sleep intervention improves behavior problems in at-risk adolescents by improving perceived sleep quality. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 99,147–156.

10 Empatía. Terapia cognitivo conductual

Hara, K.M.; Aviram, A.; Constantino, M.J; Westra, H.A.; y Antony, M.M. (2017) Therapist empathy, homework compliance, and outcome in cognitive behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: partitioning within and between-therapist effects. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/16506073.2016.1253605.

· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P2) que cubre el periodo del primer cuatrimestre de 2018
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Trastornos de ansiedad en jóvenes. Tratamiento

Kodal, A.; Fjermestad, K.; Bjelland, I.; Gjestad, R.; Öst, L.; Bjaastad, J.F.; Haugland, B.S.M.; Havik, O.E.; Heiervang, E.; Wergeland, G.J. (2018) Long-term effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with anxiety disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 53, 58-67.

2 Depresión. Tratamiento mediante activación conductual con App móvil

Dahne, J.; Kustanowitz, J. y Lejuez, C.W. (2018) Development and Preliminary Feasibility Study of a Brief Behavioral Activation Mobile Application (Behavioral Apptivation) to Be Used in Conjunction With Ongoing Therapy. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 25, 44-56.

3 Alcoholismo en jóvenes. Tratamiento con App móvil

Hides, L.; Quinn, C.; Cockshaw, W.; Stoyanov, S.; Zelenko, O.; Johnson, D.; Tjondronegoro, D.; Quek, L.; y Kavanagh, D.J.  (2018) Efficacy and outcomes of a mobile app targeting alcohol use in young people. Addictive Behaviors, 77, 89–95.

4 Tabaquismo. Tratamiento con App móvil

Hebert, E.T.; Stevens, E.M.; Frank, S.G.; Kendzor, D.E.; Wetter, D.W.; Zvolensky, M. J.; Buckner, J.D.; y Businelle, M.S. (2018) An ecological momentary intervention for smoking cessation: The associations of just-in-time, tailored messages with lapse risk factors. Addictive Behaviors, 78, 30–35.

5 Trastornos del comportamiento alimentario sin peso bajo. Tratamiento

Waller, G.; Tatham, M.; Turner, H.; Mountford, V.A.; Bennetts, A.; Bramwell, K.; Dodd, J.; y Ingram, L. (2018) A 10-session cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT-T) for eating disorders: Outcomes from a case series of nonunderweight adult patients. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51, 1–8.


Obesidad. Exposición

Schyns, G.; Van den Akker, K.; Roefs, A.; Hilberath, R. y Jansen, A. (2018) What works better? Food cue exposure aiming at the habituation of eating desires or food cue exposure aiming at the violation of overeating expectancies? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 102, 1–7.

7 Obesidad. Autoestigma y terapia de aceptación y compromiso

Levin, M.E.; Potts, S.; Haeger, J. y Lillis, J. (2018) Delivering Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Weight Self-Stigma Through Guided Self-Help: Results From an Open Pilot Trial. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 25, 87-104.

8 Obesidad en niños y adolescentes. Regulación

Miller, A.L.; Gearhardt, A.N.;  Fredericks, E.M.; Katz, B.; Shapiro, L.F.; Holden, K.; Kaciroti, N.; Gonzalez, R.; Hunter, C. y Lumeng, J. C. (2018) Targeting self-regulation to promote health behaviors in children. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 101, 71-81.

9 Mindfulness. Atención focalizada o abierta

Britton, W.B.; Davis, J.H.; Loucks, E.B.; Peterson, B.; Cullen, B.H.; Reuter, L.; Rando, A.; Rahrig, H.; Lipsky, J.; y Lindahl, J.R. (2018) Dismantling Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: Creation and validation of 8-week focused attention and open monitoring interventions within a 3-armed randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy 101, 92-107.

10 Tiempo fuera de reforzamiento. Revisión

Corralejo, S.M.; Jensen, S.A.; Greathouse, A.D. y Ward, L.E. (2018) Parameters of Time-out: Research Update and Comparison to Parenting Programs, Books, and Online Recommendations. Behavior Therapy, 49, 99112.

· Materias correspondientes a la tercera entrega (P3) que cubre el periodo del segundo cuatrimestre de 2018
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Ansiedad social. Tratamiento con App móvil

Stolz, T.; Schulz, A.; Krieger, T.; Vincent, A.; Urech, A.; Moser, C.; Westermann, S., y Berger T. (2018) A Mobile App for Social Anxiety Disorder: A Three-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Mobile and PC-Based Guided Self-Help Interventions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86, 6, 493–504.

2 Trastorno de pánico. Ejercicio físico

Bischoff, S., Wieder, G., Einsle, F. et al. (2018) Running for extinction? Aerobic exercise as an augmentation of exposure therapy in panic disorder with agoraphobia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 101, 34-41.

3 Ansiedad relacionada con la salud. Exposición

Gropalis, M.; Witthöft, M.; Bailer, J.; y Weck, F. (2018) Optimizing Exposure Therapy for Pathological Health Anxiety: Considerations From the Inhibitory Learning Approach. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 25, 250-260.

4 Trastorno obersivo compulsivo. Tratamientos

Abramowitz, J. S.; Blakey, S.; Reuman, L.; y Buchholz, J.L. (2018) New Directions in the Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of OCD: Theory, Research, and Practice. Behavior Therapy, 49, 311322.

5 Depresión. Activación conductual en adolescentes

Pass, L.; Hodgson, E.; Whitney, H.; y Reynolds, S. (2018) Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depressed Adolescents Delivered by Nonspecialist Clinicians: A Case Illustration. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 25, 208-224.


Dolor de espalda. Exposición y Terapia Cognitivo Conductual

Glombiewski, J.A.; Holzapfel, S.; Riecke, J.; Vlaeyen, J.W.S.; De Jong, J.; Lemmer, G.; y Rief, W. (2018) Exposure and CBT for Chronic Back Pain: An RCT on Differential Efficacy and Optimal Length of Treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86, 6, 533–545.

7 Dolor crónico. Tratamiento en pareja

Cano, A.; Corley, A.M.; Clark, S.M.; y Martinez, S.C. (2018) A Couple-Based Psychological Treatment for Chronic Pain and Relationship Distress. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 25, 119-134.

8 Niños. Entrenamiento atencional

Murray, J.; Scott, H.; Connolly, C.; y Wells, A. (2018) The Attention Training Technique improves Children's ability to delay gratification: A controlled comparison with progressive relaxation. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 104, 1–6.

9 Regulación emocional. Terapia de Conducta Dialéctica

Neacsiu, A.D.; Rompogren, J.; Eberle, J.W.; y McMahon, K. (2018) Changes in Problematic Anger, Shame, and Disgust in Anxious and Depressed Adults Undergoing Treatment for Emotion Dysregulation. Behavior Therapy, 49, 344359.

10 Vergüenza. Tratamiento

Schoenleber, M.; y Gratz, K.L. (2018) Self-Acceptance Group Therapy: A Transdiagnostic, Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Shame. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 25, 75-86.