Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. Actualización 2025
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Contenidos de 2020

· Materias correspondientes a la primera entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer cuatrimestre de 2019
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Acaparamiento. Tratamiento

Muroffa, J.; y Otteb, S. (2019) Innovations in CBT treatment for hoarding: Transcending office walls. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 23, 1–12.

2 Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Tratamiento a través de Internet

Wootton, B.M.; Karin,E.; Titov, T.; y Dear, B.F. (2019) Self-guided internet–delivered cognitive behavior therapy (ICBT) for obsessive-compulsive symptoms: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 66, 1-11.

3 Depresión. Psicoeducación y tratamiento

Beshai, S.; Watson, L. M.; Meadows, T.J.S.; y Soucy, J.N. (2019) Perceptions of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Antidepressant Medication for Depression After Brief Psychoeducation: Examining Shifts in Attitudes. Behavior Therapy, 50, 851863.

4 Ideación suicida. Tratamiento on-line

De Jaegerea, E.; Van Landschoota, R.; Van Heeringena, K.; Van Spijkerb, B. A. A.; Kerkhofc, A. J. F. M.; Mokkenstormd, J. K.; y Portzkya, G. (2019) The online treatment of suicidal ideation: A randomised controlled trial of an unguided web-based intervention. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 119, 1-8.

5 Psicosis. Terapia Cognitivo Conductual

Kopelovich, S.L.; Hughes, M.; Monroe-DeVita, M.B.; Peterson, R.; Cather, C.; y Gottlieb, J. (2019) Statewide Implementation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis Through a Learning Collaborative Model. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 26, 439-452.


Terapia de Conducta Dialéctica. Guía terapéutica

Bonavitacola, L.; Miller, A.L.; McGinn, L.; y Zoloth, E.C. (2019) Clinical Guidelines for Improving Dialectical Thinking in DBT. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 26, 547-561.

7 Dolor crónico. Mindfulness y opiodes

Garland, E.L.; Hanley, A.W.; Riquino, M.R.; Reese, S.E.; Baker, A.K.; Salas, K.; Yack, B.P.; Bedford, C.E.; Bryan, M.A.; Atchley, R.; Nakamura, Y.; Froeliger, B.; y Howard, M.O. (2019) Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement Reduces Opioid Misuse Risk via Analgesic and Positive Psychological Mechanisms: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87, 927–940.

8 Familia y amigos de jugadores. Intervención a través de Internet

Magnusson, K.; Nilsson, A.; Andersson, G.; Hellner, C.; y Carlbring, P. (2019) Internet-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Significant Others of Treatment-Refusing Problem Gamblers: A Randomized Wait-List Controlled Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87, 802–814.

9 Cuidadores: padres de niños con problemas de salud. Tratamiento

Sairanen, E.; Lappalainen, R.; Lappalainen, P.; Kaipainen, K.; Carlstedt, F.; Anclair, M.; y Hiltunen, A. (2019) Effectiveness of a web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for wellbeing of parents whose children have chronic conditions: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 13, 94–102.

10 Perfeccionismo y trastornos del comportamiento alimentario. Tratamiento

Shu, C.Y.; Watson, H.J.; Anderson, R.A.; Wade, T.D.; Kane, R.T.; y Egan, S.J. (2019) A randomized controlled trial of unguided internet cognitive behaviour therapy for perfectionism in adolescents: Impact on risk for eating disorders. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 120, 1-9.

· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P2) que cubre el periodo del primer cuatrimestre de 2020
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Ansiedad en niños. Uso de App

Silk, J.S.; Pramana, G; Sequeira, S.L.; Lindhiem, O.; Kendall, P.C.; Rosen, D.; y Parmanto, B. (2020) Using a Smartphone App and Clinician Portal to Enhance Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders. Behavior Therapy, 51, 69–84.

2 Ansiedad en niños. Meta-análisis

Whiteside, S.P.H.; Sim, L.A.; Morrow, A.S.; Farah, W.H.; Hilliker, D.R.; Murad, M. H.; y Wang, Z. (2020) A Meta-analysis to Guide the Enhancement of CBT for Childhood Anxiety: Exposure Over Anxiety Management. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 23, 102–121.

3 Estrés. Tratamiento mediante escritura online

Allen, S.F.; Wetherell, M.A.; y Smith, M.A. (2020) Online writing about positive life experiences reduces depression and perceived stress reactivity in socially inhibited individuals. Psychiatry Research, 284, 1–9.

4 Estrés postraumático en jóvenes. Alianza terapéutica

Ovenstad, K.S.; Ormhaug, S.M.; Shirk, S.R.; Jensen, T.K. (2020) Therapist’ Behaviors and Youths’ Therapeutic Alliance During Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Advance online publication,

5 Soledad. Terapia Cognitivo Conductual a través de Internet

Käll, A.; Jägholm, S.; Hesser, H.; Andersson, F.; Mathaldi, A.; Norkvist, B.T.; Shafran, R.; y Andersson, G. (2020) Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Loneliness: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy, 51, 5468.


Dolor crónico. Terapia de aceptación y compromiso

Vilardaga, R.; Davies, P.S.; Vowles, K.E.; y Sullivan, M.D. (2020) Theoretical grounds of Pain Tracker Self Manager: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy digital intervention for patients with chronic pain. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 15, 172–180.

7 Dolor. Tratamiento de exposición

Den Hollander, M.; De Jong, J.; Onghena, P.; y Vlaeyen, J. W. (2020) Generalization of exposure in vivo in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type I. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 124, 1–12.

8 Odontología. Psicoeducación y analgesia

Derenkoa, K.J.; Salgado, F.I.; Johnson, K.C.; Hand, S.; Murphy, J.G.; Suda, K.J.; McDevitt-Murphy, M.; Andrasik, F.; Bursac, Z.; Chiu, C.; Talley, T.; y Brooks, J.H. (2020) A randomized pilot program to reduce opioid use following dental surgery and increase safe medication return. Addictive Behaviors, 20, 1-9.

9 Menopausia. Terapia Cognitivo Conductual en grupo

Conklin, D.Y.; Gotob, T.; Ganocyc, S.; Louej, S.; LaGrottad, C.; Deloziere, S.; Brownriggf, B.; Conroyg, C.; D'Arcangeloh, N.; Janese, J.; Ogedec, D.; y Sajatovici, N. (2020) Manualized cognitive behavioral group therapy to treat vasomotor symptoms for women diagnosed with mood disorders. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 128, 1-8.

10 Obesidad. Tratamiento de exposición

Schyns, G.; Van den Akker, K.; Roefs, A.; Houben, K.; y Jansen, A. (2020) Exposure therapy vs lifestyle intervention to reduce food cue reactivity and binge eating in obesity: A pilot study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 67, 1-9.

· Materias correspondientes a la tercera entrega (P3) que cubre el periodo del segundo cuatrimestre de 2020
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Depresión. Eficacia de la Terapia Cognitivo Conductual

Andrews, L. A.; Hayes, A. M.; Abel, A.; y Kuyken, W. (2020) Sudden Gains and Patterns of Symptom Change in Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88, 106–118.

2 Depresión. Tratamiento a través de Internet

Zagorscak, P.; Heinrich, M.; Schulze, J.; Böttcher, J.; y Knaevelsrud, C. (2020) Factors Contributing to Symptom Change in Standardized and Individualized Internet-Based Interventions for Depression: A Randomized-Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy, Advance online publication,

3 Fobia a vomitar. Tratamiento intensivo

Keyes, A.; Deale, A.; Foster, C.; y Veale, D. (2020) Time intensive cognitive behavioural therapy for a specific phobia of vomiting: A single case experimental design. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 66, 1-9.

4 Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Adherencia al tratamiento

Ojalehto, H. J.; Abramowitz, J. S.; Hellberg, S. N.; Buchholz, J. L.; y Twohig, M. P. (2020) Adherence to exposure and response prevention as a predictor of improvement in obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 72, 1-8.

5 Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada. Tratamiento de jóvenes

Wahlund, T.; Andersson, E.; Jolstedt, M.; Perrin, S.; Vigerland, S.; y Serlachius, E. (2020) Intolerance of Uncertainty–Focused Treatment for Adolescents With Excessive Worry: A Pilot Feasibility Study. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 27, 215-230.


Trastorno de pánico. Estilo afectivo

Totzeck, C.; Teismann, T.; Hofmann, S. G.; Brachel, R.; Zhang, X. C.;  Wannemüller, A.; Pflug, V.; y  Margraf, J. (2020) Affective Styles in Panic Disorder and Specific Phobia: Changes Through Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Prediction of Remission. Behavior Therapy, 51, 375–385.

7 Ira e irritabilidad. Tratamiento de niños y jóvenes

Grossman, R. A.; y Ehrenreich-May, J. (2020) Using the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders With Youth Exhibiting Anger and Irritability. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 27, 184-201.

8 Irritabilidad. Tratamiento de niños y jóvenes

Linke, J.; Kircanski, K.; Brooks, J.; Perhamus, G.; Gold, A. ; y Brotman, M. A. (2020) Exposure-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder: An Evidence-Based Case Study. Behavior Therapy, 51, 320–333.

9 Violencia doméstica. Tratamiento

Cotti, C.; Foster, J.; Haley, M. R.; y Rawski, S. L. (2020) Duluth Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Natural Field Experiment on Intimate Partner Violence Diversion Programs. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 26, 384–395.

10 Tareas terapeúticas. Cumplimiento

Jensen, A.; Fee, C.; Miles, A. L.; Beckner, V. L.; Owen, D.; y Persons, J. B. (2020) Congruence of Patient Takeaways and Homework Assignment Content Predicts Homework Compliance in Psychotherapy. Behavior Therapy, 51, 424–433.