Materias correspondientes a la primera
entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer
cuatrimestre de 2004 |
1 |
Ansiedad social.
Revisión de
tratamientos |
Rodebaugh, T. L.; Holaway, R. M.; y Heimberg
R. G. The treatment of social anxiety
disorder (2004) The treatment of social
anxiety disorder.
Clinical Psychology Review, 24,
883-908. |
2 |
de pánico.
Exposición vs. terapia
cognitivo-conductual |
Öst, L.; Thulin, U.; y Ramnerö, J. (2004)
Cognitive behavior therapy vs. exposure in
vivo in the treatment of panic disorder with
Behaviour Research and Therapy 42,
1105-1127. |
3 |
Uso de la
atención plena (mindfulness) |
Ramel, W.; Goldin, P.R.; Carmona P.E. y
McQuaid J.R. (2004) The effects of
mindfulness meditation on cognitive
processes and affect in patients with past
Cognitive Therapy and Research, 28,
433-455. |
4 |
Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual |
Tarrier, N. y Wykes, T. (2004) Is there
evidence that cognitive behaviour therapy is
an effective treatment for schizophrenia? A
cautious or cautionary tale? Behaviour
Research and Therapy,
5 |
Predictores del mantenimiento de la
reducción del peso |
Byrne, S. M.; Cooper, Z. y Fairburn, C.G.
(2004) Psychological predictors of weight
regain in obesity.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42,
1341-1356. |
6 |
Revisión |
Olatunji, B. O.; Tolin, D. F. y Lohr, J.M.
(2004) Irritable bowel syndrome: associated
features and the efficacy of psychosocial
and Preventive Psychology, 11,
125-140. |
7 |
Factores psicológicos |
Peuter, S.; Van Diest, I.; Lemaigre, V.;
Verleden, G.; Demedts, M. y Van der Bergh,
O. (2004) Dysnea: The role of psychological
processes. Clinical Psychology Review,
24, 557-581.
8 |
Revisión |
Butler, J. R. (2004) Childhood nocturnal
enuresis: Developing a conceptual framework.
Clinical Psychology Review, 24,
909–931. |
9 |
Manejo clínico |
Pesant, N. y Zadra, A. (2004) Working with
dreams in therapy: What do we know and what
should we do? Clinical Psychology Review,
489–512. |
10 |
plena (mindfulness).
Aplicación a la imagen corporal |
Stewart, T. M. (2004) Light on body image
treatment. Acceptance through mindfulness.
Modification, 28,
783-811. |
Materias correspondientes a la segunda
entrega (P2) que cubre el periodo del primer
cuatrimestre de 2005 |
1 |
Ansiedad en mayores.
Deterioro y
tratamiento |
Mohlman, J. y Gorman, J. M. (2005) The role
of executive functioning in CBT: a pilot
study with anxious older adults.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43,
447-465. |
2 |
Modelo de intervención |
Dugas, M. J., Marchand, A., y Ladoucer, R.
(2005) Further validation of a cognitive-behavioral
model of generalized anxiety disorder:
diagnostic and symtom specificity.
Anxiety Disorders, 19,
329-343. |
3 |
Terapia cognitiva |
Ehlers, A., Clark, D. M., Hackman, A.,
McManus, F. y Fennell, M. (2005) Cognitive
therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder:
development and evaluation.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43,
413–431. |
4 |
Cuestionario |
Littleton, L., Axsom, D., y Pury, C. L.
(2005) Development of the body image concern
Research and Therapy, 43,
229-241. |
5 |
Alcoholismo y agorafobia.
Tratamiento |
T. (2005) Cognitive versus behavioral
treatment of concurrent alcohol dependence
and agoraphobia: A pilot study.
Addictive Behaviors, 30,
6 |
Control de contingencias |
Luman, M., Oosterlaan, J. y and Sergeant J.
A. (2005) The impact of reinforcement
contingencies on AD/HD: A review and
theoretical appraisal. Clinical
Psychology Review, 25, 183-213.
7 |
Ansiedad en niños.
Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual vs.
familiar |
Siqueland, L., Rynn, M. y Diamond, G. (2005)
Cognitive behavioral and attachment based
family therapy for anxious adolescents:
Phase I and II studies.
Anxiety Disorders, 19,
8 |
sexual en la infancia.
Tratamiento |
Cohen, J. A., Mannarino, A. P. y Knudsen, K.
Treating sexually abused children: 1 year
follow-up of a randomized controlled trial.
Child Abused & Neglect, 29,
135-145. |
9 |
Tratamiento de las cefaleas |
Devineni, T. y Blanchard, E. B. (2005) A
randomized controlled trial of an internet
treatment for chronic headache.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43,
10 |
Entrenamiento de clínicos.
Evaluación de su eficacia |
Sholomskas, D. E., Syracuse-Siewert, G.,
Rousanville, B., Ball, S. A., Nuro, K. F. y
Carroll, K. M. (2005) We don’t train in
vain: A dissemination trial of three
strategies of training clinicians in
cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 73,
Materias correspondientes a la segunda
entrega (P3) que cubre el periodo del
cuatrimestre de 2005 |
1 |
Trastornos de ansiedad.
Tratamiento en grupo
vs. individual |
Flannery-Schoroeder, E., Choudhury, M. S., y
Kendall, P. C. (2005) Group and individual
cognitive-behavioral treatments for youth
with anxiety disorders: 1-year follow-up.
Cognitive Therapy and Research, 29, 253-259. |
2 |
Control del
pensamiento |
Coles, M. E. y Heimberg, R. G. (2005)
Thought control strategies in generalized
anxiety disorder.
Therapy and Research, 29,
47-56. |
3 |
Tratamiento de la pareja |
Rychtarik, R. G. y McGillicuddy, N. B.
(2005) Coping skills training and 12-step
facilitation for women whose partner has
alcoholism: Effects on depression, the
partner’s drinking, and partner physical
violence. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology Review, 73, 249-261. |
4 |
Revisión |
Berle, D.
y Starcevic, V. (2005) Thought-action fusion:
Review of the literature and future
directions. Clinical Psychology Review,
25, 263-284. |
5 |
Tratamiento del estrés |
Bryant, R. A., Moulds, M. L., Guthrie R. M.
y Nixon R. D. (2005) The additive benefit of
hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy in
treating acute stress disorder.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 73,
334–340. |
6 |
Drogas en
Cuestionarios vía Internet |
Brodey, B. B., Rosen, C. S., Winters, K. C.,
Brodey, I. S., Sheetz, B. M., Steinfeld, R.
R. y Kaminer, Y. (2005) Conversion and
validation of the Teen-Addiction Severity
Index (T-ASI) for internet and
automated-telephone sef-report
administration. Psychology of Addictive
Behaviors, 19, 54-61. |
7 |
Nicotina sustitutiva y placebo |
Dar, R., Stronguin, F. y Etter, J. F. (2005)
Assigned versus perceived placebo effects in
nicotine replacement therapy for smoking
reduction in swiss smokers. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73,
8 |
Dolor de
espalda y cuello.
Tratamiento |
I. B., Bergström, G., Ljungquist, T. y Bodin,
L. (2005) A 3-year follow-up of a
multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme
for back and neck pain. Pain, 115,
273-283. |
9 |
de los episodios de dolor |
Lumley, M. A., Huffman, L. J., Rapport, L.
J., Aurora, S. K., Norris, L. L. y Ketterer,
M. W. (2005) Do others really know us
better? Predicting migraine activity form
self– and other-ratings of negative emotion.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 58,
253-258. |
10 |
Eficacia de los tratamientos.
Revisión |
Blatt, S. J. y Zuroff, D. C. (2005)
Empirical evaluation of the assumptions in
identifying evidence based treatments in
mental heath. Clinical Psychology Review,
25, 459-486. |