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Contenidos de 2005

· Materias correspondientes a la primera entrega (P1) que cubre el periodo del tercer cuatrimestre de 2004
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Ansiedad social. Revisión de tratamientos

Rodebaugh, T. L.; Holaway, R. M.; y Heimberg R. G. The treatment of social anxiety disorder (2004) The treatment of social anxiety disorder. Clinical Psychology Review, 24, 883-908.

2 Trastorno de pánico. Exposición vs. terapia cognitivo-conductual

Öst, L.; Thulin, U.; y Ramnerö, J. (2004) Cognitive behavior therapy vs. exposure in vivo in the treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy 42, 1105-1127.

3 Depresión. Uso de la atención plena (mindfulness)

Ramel, W.; Goldin, P.R.; Carmona P.E. y McQuaid J.R. (2004) The effects of mindfulness meditation on cognitive processes and affect in patients with past depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 28, 433-455.

4 Esquizofrenia. Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual

Tarrier, N. y Wykes, T. (2004) Is there evidence that cognitive behaviour therapy is an effective treatment for schizophrenia? A cautious or cautionary tale? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, 1377-1401.

5 Obesidad. Predictores del mantenimiento de la reducción del peso

Byrne, S. M.; Cooper, Z. y Fairburn, C.G. (2004) Psychological predictors of weight regain in obesity. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, 1341-1356.


Colon irritable. Revisión Olatunji, B. O.; Tolin, D. F. y Lohr, J.M. (2004) Irritable bowel syndrome: associated features and the efficacy of psychosocial treatments. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 11, 125-140.
7 Disnea. Factores psicológicos

Peuter, S.; Van Diest, I.; Lemaigre, V.; Verleden, G.; Demedts, M. y Van der Bergh, O. (2004) Dysnea: The role of psychological processes. Clinical Psychology Review, 24, 557-581.

8 Enuresis. Revisión

Butler, J. R. (2004) Childhood nocturnal enuresis: Developing a conceptual framework. Clinical Psychology Review, 24, 909–931.

9 Sueños. Manejo clínico

Pesant, N. y Zadra, A. (2004) Working with dreams in therapy: What do we know and what should we do? Clinical Psychology Review, 24, 489–512.

10 Atención plena (mindfulness). Aplicación a la imagen corporal

Stewart, T. M. (2004) Light on body image treatment. Acceptance through mindfulness. Behavior Modification, 28, 783-811.

· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P2) que cubre el periodo del primer cuatrimestre de 2005
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Ansiedad en mayores. Deterioro y tratamiento

Mohlman, J. y Gorman, J. M. (2005) The role of executive functioning in CBT: a pilot study with anxious older adults. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43, 447-465.

2 Ansiedad generalizada. Modelo de intervención

Dugas, M. J., Marchand, A., y Ladoucer, R. (2005) Further validation of a cognitive-behavioral model of generalized anxiety disorder: diagnostic and symtom specificity. Anxiety Disorders, 19, 329-343.

3 Estrés postraumático. Terapia cognitiva

Ehlers, A., Clark, D. M., Hackman, A., McManus, F. y Fennell, M. (2005) Cognitive therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: development and evaluation. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43, 413–431.

4 Imagen corporal. Cuestionario

Littleton, L., Axsom, D., y Pury, C. L. (2005) Development of the body image concern inventory. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43, 229-241.

5 Alcoholismo y agorafobia. Tratamiento

Toneatto, T. (2005) Cognitive versus behavioral treatment of concurrent alcohol dependence and agoraphobia: A pilot study. Addictive Behaviors, 30, 115–125.


Hiperactividad. Control de contingencias Luman, M., Oosterlaan, J. y and Sergeant J. A. (2005) The impact of reinforcement contingencies on AD/HD: A review and theoretical appraisal. Clinical Psychology Review, 25, 183-213.
7 Ansiedad en niños. Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual vs. familiar

Siqueland, L., Rynn, M. y Diamond, G. (2005) Cognitive behavioral and attachment based family therapy for anxious adolescents: Phase I and II studies. Anxiety Disorders, 19, 361-381.

8 Abuso sexual en la infancia. Tratamiento

Cohen, J. A., Mannarino, A. P. y Knudsen, K. Treating sexually abused children: 1 year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Child Abused & Neglect, 29, 135-145.

9 Internet. Tratamiento de las cefaleas

Devineni, T. y Blanchard, E. B. (2005) A randomized controlled trial of an internet treatment for chronic headache. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43, 277-292.

10 Entrenamiento de clínicos. Evaluación de su eficacia

Sholomskas, D. E., Syracuse-Siewert, G., Rousanville, B., Ball, S. A., Nuro, K. F. y  Carroll, K. M. (2005) We don’t train in vain: A dissemination trial of three strategies of training clinicians in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73, 106-115.

· Materias correspondientes a la segunda entrega (P3) que cubre el periodo del segundo cuatrimestre de 2005
No Temas Trabajo Original y Comentario
1 Trastornos de ansiedad. Tratamiento en grupo vs. individual

Flannery-Schoroeder, E., Choudhury, M. S., y Kendall, P. C. (2005) Group and individual cognitive-behavioral treatments for youth with anxiety disorders: 1-year follow-up. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 29, 253-259.

2 Ansiedad generalizada. Control del pensamiento

Coles, M. E. y Heimberg, R. G. (2005) Thought control strategies in generalized anxiety disorder. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 29, 47-56.

3 Alcoholismo. Tratamiento de la pareja

Rychtarik, R. G. y McGillicuddy, N. B. (2005) Coping skills training and 12-step facilitation for women whose partner has alcoholism: Effects on depression, the partner’s drinking, and partner physical violence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Review, 73, 249-261.

4 Fusión pensamiento-acción. Revisión

Berle, D. y Starcevic, V. (2005) Thought-action fusion: Review of the literature and future directions. Clinical Psychology Review, 25, 263-284.

5 Hipnosis. Tratamiento del estrés

Bryant, R. A., Moulds, M. L., Guthrie R. M. y Nixon R. D. (2005) The additive benefit of hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating acute stress disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73, 334–340.


Drogas en adolescentes. Cuestionarios vía Internet Brodey, B. B., Rosen, C. S., Winters, K. C., Brodey, I. S., Sheetz, B. M., Steinfeld, R. R. y Kaminer, Y. (2005) Conversion and validation of the Teen-Addiction Severity Index (T-ASI) for internet and automated-telephone sef-report administration. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 19, 54-61.
7 Tabaquismo. Nicotina sustitutiva y placebo

Dar, R., Stronguin, F. y Etter, J. F. (2005) Assigned versus perceived placebo effects in nicotine replacement therapy for smoking reduction in swiss smokers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73, 350-353.

8 Dolor de espalda y cuello. Tratamiento

Jensen, I. B., Bergström, G., Ljungquist, T. y Bodin, L. (2005) A 3-year follow-up of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme for back and neck pain. Pain, 115, 273-283.

9 Migraña. Predicción de los episodios de dolor

Lumley, M. A., Huffman, L. J., Rapport, L. J., Aurora, S. K., Norris, L. L. y Ketterer, M. W. (2005) Do others really know us better? Predicting migraine activity form self– and other-ratings of negative emotion. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 58, 253-258.

10 Eficacia de los tratamientos. Revisión

Blatt, S. J. y Zuroff, D. C. (2005) Empirical evaluation of the assumptions in identifying evidence based treatments in mental heath. Clinical Psychology Review, 25, 459-486.